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  1. Published works by Dr. Dahesh (90)
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The Daheshist Publishing Co. LTD.

The Daheshist Publishing Co. Ltd. has adopted this name because it is the exclusive publisher of the books of Dr. Dahesh (1909–1984), the prolific Lebanese writer and founder of Daheshism. It also publishes books about his life, literature, and message in addition to books on various subjects, thus fulfilling the continuous demand of the Arab community to culture. The Daheshist Publishing Co. Ltd. also publishes “Dahesh Voice”, a quarterly cultural magazine that has adopted a humanistic and spiritual direction.

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A Reincarnation Story (Qissat Taqammus)
Zeina Hadad
A Reincarnation Story

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Histoire D'une Metempsycose
Zeina Hadad
A Reincarnation Story

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Touyour Ba'da Al Toufan
Yasser badredin

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Qamar Haziran
Yasser badredin

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Asfar Dahishiyyah
Yasser badredin
Dr. Dahesh books' review

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Group of Writers

الدكتور داهش بأقلام نخبةٍ من معاصريه
هذا الكتاب إضمامةٌ من زهور الفِكر والاٰدب تضعها الدار الداهشية في نيويورك بكلِّ محبة واعتزاز على مائدة الادب العربي بمناسبة الذكرى المئوية الاولى لولادة الدكتور داهش. مصباحٌ يتوهّج بالمعرفة، ويلقي بنورِهِ على جوانب مهمّه من حياة رجل المعجزات وأسراره. ويرسم ملامحَ واضحة لشخصه وأدبه. كما يُظهر غير قليلٍ من معجزاته وخوارقهِ. بعضُها يكشفُ السِترُ عنه للمرّة الاولى إذْ كان مخبوءًا تحت ألسِنة الكُتّاب الذين اجتُرِحَتْ بحضورهم هذه المعجزات. في الكتاب تعريفٌ بشخص الدكتور داهش وبمؤلَّفاته على اختلاف انتماءاتها الفكريَّة والأدبيَّة والفلسفيَّة. وعَبَقٌ من سيرةِ حياته العَطِرة، وقبساتٌ من ورودِه وبرودِه وبروقهِ ورعودِه. داهش يتحدّث عن نفسه ويكشفُ بعض أسراره وكتّابٌ يتحدثون عنه ويُسهِمون في كشف هذه الأسرار. نُخبةٌ مِن كتَّاب لبنان والعالم العربي دخلوا محراب أدب الدكتور داهش وهيكله المقدس، وأدلَوا بدِلاء المحبة والوفاء للكلمة والتاريخ. منهم مَن عرفه ورافقه في رحلة النور والمعرفة والحقِّ واليقين. ومنهم مَن تعرّف إليه من خلال أدبه وروائعه وما ذكِرَ وأُثِر عنه. وقد تتشابك أفكار الكتَّاب حيناً او تفترق، ولكنَّها تلتقي جميعها على فرادةِ هذا الرجُل وفذوذيّتِه وإتيانه بالجديد والمفيد الذي لو أُحسِن الاستماعُ إليه لاوصل سفائن الناس وقلوبهم إلى شواطئ الأمان . كتابٌ ثرٌّ زاخر بالنور والمعرفة. بين دفّتيه كثير عن حياة الدكتور داهش وكنوزه ورموزه. وكثير إلى المتشوقين للتعرّف إلى رجل الروح والأسرار. والوقوف على آرائه ومعتقداته ومعجزاته.

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Salat Al Ourjouwan
Yasser badredin

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Halim Dammus
Yasser badredin

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Memoirs of a Dinar
Dr. Dahesh
An unusual novel which Dr. Dahesh had composed in less than 24 hours spread over 12 days (from the third to the fourteenth of January 1946).
The hero, a Dinar(a golden coin), by virtue of its transference from one hand to another roams several countries for almost a century. It wanders into cities, villages, palaces, cottages, monasteries, nighclubs; it travels in the air and dives to the bottom of the seas; it accompanies good and bad people, kings and commons; it listens to animals and witnesses two national liberation movements in India and England as well as two World Wars and later a third World War! Above all, it records its observations with the genius of a spellbinding storyteller and renders its judgments with the wisdom of a philosopher.
The book is a summary statement of the views of the author regarding society and its corruption, clergymen, politics, human rights, courts of justice, money, love, psychology of wars, art and literature. Underlying his harsh critical attitude is the author’s deep desire for reform.

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Strange Stories & Wonderful Tales V.1 Spanish Version
Dr. Dahesh
Short stories that embark the reader onto exciting plots, perplexing climaxes, and sudden unexpected denouements.
Even more remarkable are the author’s views conveyed in these short stories with respect to the subject of eternal laws of divine justice through reincarnation.

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Dr. Dahesh's Journeys Around the World Vol.20 N3
Dr. Dahesh
Travel is not accidental in the life of Dr. Dahesh. He traveled wide and far—to the Middle and Far East, Russia, North America, and almost all of the African and European countries. He recorded, in this series, facts of his travels, his observations, and his wide-ranged commentaries.
Dr. Dahesh’s travel literature stands out for its fidelity to facts in narration and description, its accuracy in recording the exact time and numbers, its exploration of the natural, cultural, social, and economic aspects of each country he visited, the similarities and differences among nations.
Dr. Dahesh’s Journeys come close to being an autobiography, acquainting the reader with the personality of the author, his attitudes, taste, spiritual philosophy, and the manner of his life.

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Dr. Dahesh's Journeys Around the World Vol.20 N1
Dr. Dahesh
Travel is not accidental in the life of Dr. Dahesh. He traveled wide and far—to the Middle and Far East, Russia, North America, and almost all of the African and European countries. He recorded, in this series, facts of his travels, his observations, and his wide-ranged commentaries.
Dr. Dahesh’s travel literature stands out for its fidelity to facts in narration and description, its accuracy in recording the exact time and numbers, its exploration of the natural, cultural, social, and economic aspects of each country he visited, the similarities and differences among nations.
Dr. Dahesh’s Journeys come close to being an autobiography, acquainting the reader with the personality of the author, his attitudes, taste, spiritual philosophy, and the manner of his life.

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Man of Mystery
Iskandar Shahin
“All the journalists who are my colleagues who did not believe in Daheshism at least unanimously agreed that the man is a phenomenon in every sense of the word. Iskandar Shahin
“Dr Dahesh opened for us all the doors of his house… every door opened unto a suite which differed completely from every other suite. It differed in its precious antiques, its oil paintings, and its piles of books or its stuffed birds”. The Newspaper Al-Liwa
“Whatever the case of Dr Dahesh is, everyone who meets him cannot but reach one conclusion that the man is a strange phenomenon in our society”. The newspaper “Al-Gareeda”
“Daheshism is above all a spiritual notion… the transmigration of souls is a Divine mercy; if it didn’t exist, all human beings would have perished …” “Al- Isbuu’ Al- Arabi” Magazine.

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Dr. Dahesh's Journeys Around the World Vol.20 N2
Dr. Dahesh
Travel is not accidental in the life of Dr. Dahesh. He traveled wide and far—to the Middle and Far East, Russia, North America, and almost all of the African and European countries. He recorded, in this series, facts of his travels, his observations, and his wide-ranged commentaries.
Dr. Dahesh’s travel literature stands out for its fidelity to facts in narration and description, its accuracy in recording the exact time and numbers, its exploration of the natural, cultural, social, and economic aspects of each country he visited, the similarities and differences among nations.
Dr. Dahesh’s Journeys come close to being an autobiography, acquainting the reader with the personality of the author, his attitudes, taste, spiritual philosophy, and the manner of his life.

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Strange Stories and Wonderful Tales Vol. 2 German Version
Dr. Dahesh
This assortment of short stories confronts the reader with exciting plots, perplexing climaxes, and sudden unexpected denouements. The stories make the reader hold his breath at different junctures in the narrative and stirs in him feelings of wonder, surprise, and awe.
What is rather remarkable are the author’s views conveyed in these short stories: all creatures (human and nonhuman) are free and responsible, subject to the eternal laws of divine justice, man is not the only sentient being, for among animals and plants, there are some that enjoy a greater power of rational perception than man. Also the generic hiererical stratification on Earth is not a proof of spiritual superiority and sublimity. Moreover, there are other inhabited planets whose civilizations exceed hy far those of Earth.

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Lightning and Thunder, Poetic Version
Dr. Dahesh/Halim Dammous
Poetic Version
This book consists of 200 six line stanzas, which the author had composed in 1942.
The book is best portrayed by words from the author's introduction:"It is lightning, but from within myself, and verbal thunders in which I tried to explain what I sense and feel concerning different episodes in this lifetime is a brief manner not exceeding a six-line stanza for ech topic. All I have written is out of hones conviction and certainty, specially regarding clergymen, justice, money, woman, and so many other cocnerns related to the life of man on this sickly Earth."

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Dafter Al Ghourbah
Yasser badredin

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Zeina Fairy Tales or Voyage to the Unknown
Zeina Hadad
The author surfing on the wings of imagination takes us to new undiscovered Edens. Through these tales, you will come to believe that "imagination is the image of reality!" * Original version in French

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List of Publication
The Daheshist Publishing CO., LTD
List of our Publication

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Dr. Dahesh's Journeys Around the World Vol.19
Dr. Dahesh
Travel is not accidental in the life of Dr. Dahesh. He traveled wide and far—to the Middle and Far East, Russia, North America, and almost all of the African and European countries. He recorded, in this series, facts of his travels, his observations, and his wide-ranged commentaries.
Dr. Dahesh’s travel literature stands out for its fidelity to facts in narration and description, its accuracy in recording the exact time and numbers, its exploration of the natural, cultural, social, and economic aspects of each country he visited, the similarities and differences among nations.
Dr. Dahesh’s Journeys come close to being an autobiography, acquainting the reader with the personality of the author, his attitudes, taste, spiritual philosophy, and the manner of his life.

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