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  1. Group of Writers (2)
  2. Salim Onbargi (1)
  3. Yasser badredin (1)
  4. Lutfi Radwan (1)
  5. Halim Dammous (2)
  6. Ghazi Brax (3)
  7. Marie Hadad (1)
  8. Zeina Hadad (2)
  9. George Shakkur (1)



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Group of Writers

الدكتور داهش بأقلام نخبةٍ من معاصريه
هذا الكتاب إضمامةٌ من زهور الفِكر والاٰدب تضعها الدار الداهشية في نيويورك بكلِّ محبة واعتزاز على مائدة الادب العربي بمناسبة الذكرى المئوية الاولى لولادة الدكتور داهش. مصباحٌ يتوهّج بالمعرفة، ويلقي بنورِهِ على جوانب مهمّه من حياة رجل المعجزات وأسراره. ويرسم ملامحَ واضحة لشخصه وأدبه. كما يُظهر غير قليلٍ من معجزاته وخوارقهِ. بعضُها يكشفُ السِترُ عنه للمرّة الاولى إذْ كان مخبوءًا تحت ألسِنة الكُتّاب الذين اجتُرِحَتْ بحضورهم هذه المعجزات. في الكتاب تعريفٌ بشخص الدكتور داهش وبمؤلَّفاته على اختلاف انتماءاتها الفكريَّة والأدبيَّة والفلسفيَّة. وعَبَقٌ من سيرةِ حياته العَطِرة، وقبساتٌ من ورودِه وبرودِه وبروقهِ ورعودِه. داهش يتحدّث عن نفسه ويكشفُ بعض أسراره وكتّابٌ يتحدثون عنه ويُسهِمون في كشف هذه الأسرار. نُخبةٌ مِن كتَّاب لبنان والعالم العربي دخلوا محراب أدب الدكتور داهش وهيكله المقدس، وأدلَوا بدِلاء المحبة والوفاء للكلمة والتاريخ. منهم مَن عرفه ورافقه في رحلة النور والمعرفة والحقِّ واليقين. ومنهم مَن تعرّف إليه من خلال أدبه وروائعه وما ذكِرَ وأُثِر عنه. وقد تتشابك أفكار الكتَّاب حيناً او تفترق، ولكنَّها تلتقي جميعها على فرادةِ هذا الرجُل وفذوذيّتِه وإتيانه بالجديد والمفيد الذي لو أُحسِن الاستماعُ إليه لاوصل سفائن الناس وقلوبهم إلى شواطئ الأمان . كتابٌ ثرٌّ زاخر بالنور والمعرفة. بين دفّتيه كثير عن حياة الدكتور داهش وكنوزه ورموزه. وكثير إلى المتشوقين للتعرّف إلى رجل الروح والأسرار. والوقوف على آرائه ومعتقداته ومعجزاته.

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The Miracles and Wonders of Dr. Dahesh
Lutfi Radwan
The author, a former chief-editor of the Egyptian magazine "al-Musawwar", did not only witness the astounding miracles of Dr. Dahesh, but he went further into researching the nature of the power performing these miracles and into its revealed teachings. The author interviewed friends, followers, and acquaintances of Dr. Dahesh, listening to their testimonies. Then he reviewed Dr. Dahesh';s writings, as well as what was written about him. The result was this book. Yussuf Wahbi, leading star and master of the Arabic Theater wrote the Introduction.

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The Miracles of Dr. Dahesh and His Spiritual Manifestations (MH)
Marie Hadad
This is the third volume in the Series: The Miracles of Dr. Dahesh and His Wondrous Prodigies. The painter and author, Mary Hadad, relates some miracles which happened from January 1944 until mid- July of the same year.
In her introductory chapter, Marie Hadad relates how she and the members of her family became acquainted with Dr. Dahesh and their belief in his divine message. She also makes reference to the Daheshist teachings and the significance of a miracle.
The reader finds in this volume the miracle of the death of the birds and their restoration to life again, the immediate materialization of golden coins in the hands of the Speaker of the Lebanese House of Parliament, the transformation of water into wine. Another interesting aspect of this book is the correlation of the account of the miracles with the persecution campaign mounted against Dr. Dahesh, this persecution which began since the first spiritual session but which got increasingly violent and vicious after Mary Hadad and her family embraced Daheshism and Beshara El-Khoury rose to the presidency of the Lebanese Republic.

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Opinions of Learned Authors, Journalists, Statesmen, Clergymen and Others about the Founder of Daheshism
Group of Writers
Opinions about Dr. Dahesh. Some admirers find him extraordinary, others are moderate in their judgments of him, and still others are rather cautious waiting for history to say its final word about him. But nearly all of them agree on three matters: the extraordinary personality of Dr. Dahesh, his supernatural power, and the sublime and reforming nature of his message.

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A Reincarnation Story (Qissat Taqammus)
Zeina Hadad
A Reincarnation Story

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Exploring with Ghazi Brax in The Gardens of the Gods and Paradises of the Goddesses: 20 volumes by Dr. Dahesh
Ghazi Brax
It is a critical study of the two series by Dr. Dahesh: Gardens of the Gods Adorned with Roses of Paradise and Paradises of the Goddesses Set with Sacred Lotus. The author presents his critical analysis of the prose poems of this series which extend over a period of half a century. He sheds light in this process on the personality of Dr. Dahesh, revealing his sadness, ambitions, revolt, spiritual alienation, prophetic visions, and his opinions of men and life in general. The author, at the same time, presents the innovative techniques in Dr. Dahesh's artistic style and the different aspects of his creative imagination.
This study has been supplemented

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Histoire D'une Metempsycose
Zeina Hadad
A Reincarnation Story

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Departing Sails
George Shakkur
The author of this book is not a writer, not a poet; it is enough to say about him that he is a human being, that is, a man who tried to chant everlasting sweet sorrows, a man who loved life but only through his great love of Dahesh." This quotation cited from the author's Preface to his book draws for us a clear picture of the whole book. This volume is in the form of prose poems or cantos in which the author addresses his well-beloved Guide, Dr. Dahesh. These cantos are suffused with the fragrance of dreams and shades as well as marked with deep intensity of the feelings of love and longing. The reader would be captivated by the profusion of imagery and its hauntingly rhythmical beauty.
The book has been rendered from French into Arabic by the Poet. Mussa Al-Maalouf.

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The Miracles of the Founder of Daheshism And His Wondrous Prodigies (HD1)
Halim Dammous
This is the first volume in the series: The miracles of Dr. Dahesh and His Wondrous Prodigies. The author relates the story of his first acquaintance with Dr. Dahesh and his belief in his message as well as how this belief effected in him a spiritual regeneration and rebirth. Also he relates some of the miracles he witnessed performed by the founder of Daheshism over a period of eight months (from May untill December of the year 1942).
There are accounts of such miracles as instanteneous transportation of objects from far places and control over them, prophecies unveiling hidden objects and the miraculous healings. The most amazing of these miracles relate restoring life to the dead and the descent of a creature from another extraterrestial material world and his revelation of astounding spiritual truths.
The author does not only relate the miracle, but he also comments on them, adding his own interpretation or contemplation of the happenings.
The first Daheshist believer, Yussuf Al-Hajj, preceded Halim Dammous in recording the miracles he had witnessed from March 23, 1942 until May of the same year.

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Born Again with Dr. Dahesh
Salim Onbargi
The Preface to this book summarizes the major thrust of the book thus: "The great importance of this book is derived from its central figure, Dr. Dahesh, around whom all the events related therein evolve. It is an unpretentious, humble, and true testimony of the man, his deeds, and doctrine, written as a token of gratitude, and tribute to his humanity and unsurpassed greatness, which had the effect of transforming the author's life entirely, making his experience an actual rebirth of his self."

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