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Strange Stories and Wonderful Tales Vol. 2
Dr. Dahesh
Short stories that embark the reader onto exciting plots, perplexing climaxes, and sudden unexpected denouements. Even more remarkable are the author's views conveyed in these short stories with respect to the subject of eternal laws of divine justice through reincarnation.

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A Writer of Prose & A Writer of Poetry Vol. 3
Dr. Dahesh
In this book, Dr. Dahesh rephrases most of what he has written between 1930 and 1950 into octave-rhymed stanzas; then the poet Halim Dammous "being aware," as he says, "of the impact of these inspired words and of the origin of these heart-deep feelings," transposes them from rhymed prose into rhymed verse. In the verse version, the reader finds an almost total faithfulness to the original rhymed prose and at the same time an easy flow of rhythm.

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Man of Mystery
Iskandar Shahin
“All the journalists who are my colleagues who did not believe in Daheshism at least unanimously agreed that the man is a phenomenon in every sense of the word. Iskandar Shahin
“Dr Dahesh opened for us all the doors of his house… every door opened unto a suite which differed completely from every other suite. It differed in its precious antiques, its oil paintings, and its piles of books or its stuffed birds”. The Newspaper Al-Liwa
“Whatever the case of Dr Dahesh is, everyone who meets him cannot but reach one conclusion that the man is a strange phenomenon in our society”. The newspaper “Al-Gareeda”
“Daheshism is above all a spiritual notion… the transmigration of souls is a Divine mercy; if it didn’t exist, all human beings would have perished …” “Al- Isbuu’ Al- Arabi” Magazine.

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Strange Stories and Wonderful Tales Vol. 1
Dr. Dahesh

This assortment of short stories confronts the reader with exciting plots, perplexing climaxes, and sudden unexpected denouements. The stories make the reader hold his breath at different junctures in the narrative and stirs in him feelings of wonder, surprise, and awe.
What is rather remarkable are the author’s views conveyed in these short stories: all creatures (human and nonhuman) are free and responsible, subject to the eternal laws of divine justice, man is not the only sentient being, for among animals and plants, there are some that enjoy a greater power of rational perception than man. Also the generic hiererical stratification on Earth is not a proof of spiritual superiority and sublimity. Moreover, there are other inhabited planets whose civilizations exceed hy far those of Earth.

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Touyour Ba'da Al Toufan
Yasser badredin

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The Song of Songs - German Version (Das Hohelied)
Dr. Dahesh
The Song of Songs which Solomon the Wise, had chanted 3000 years ago exerted a long lasting influence on world literature. A great number of writers rendered it in their own style. Dr. Dahesh too had extracted from its gold mine the rough precious stone, hewing it down into shape with his pen and embossing it with gem-like descriptions drawn from his own creative imagination in the form of a musical drama.

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Memoirs of Jesus of Nazareth V.1 Arabic Version
Dr. Dahesh
The life of Christ until the age of 30 raises many unanswered questions: How did he spend his childhood days and his youth? How long did he stay with his parents in Egypt? Who received them as his guests there? Did he get any education? Did he perform any miracles prior to his miracle at Cana of Galilea? What is the attitude of his family towards him and his message? When did he meet Peter for the first time? Did he reveal any of his teachings before the proclamation of his message? Did the four gospels mention all his teachings or is it that some of them had not been revealed to the world?
This inspired book reveals three years of the Nazarene's life beginning at the age of twelve.

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Group of Writers

الدكتور داهش بأقلام نخبةٍ من معاصريه
هذا الكتاب إضمامةٌ من زهور الفِكر والاٰدب تضعها الدار الداهشية في نيويورك بكلِّ محبة واعتزاز على مائدة الادب العربي بمناسبة الذكرى المئوية الاولى لولادة الدكتور داهش. مصباحٌ يتوهّج بالمعرفة، ويلقي بنورِهِ على جوانب مهمّه من حياة رجل المعجزات وأسراره. ويرسم ملامحَ واضحة لشخصه وأدبه. كما يُظهر غير قليلٍ من معجزاته وخوارقهِ. بعضُها يكشفُ السِترُ عنه للمرّة الاولى إذْ كان مخبوءًا تحت ألسِنة الكُتّاب الذين اجتُرِحَتْ بحضورهم هذه المعجزات. في الكتاب تعريفٌ بشخص الدكتور داهش وبمؤلَّفاته على اختلاف انتماءاتها الفكريَّة والأدبيَّة والفلسفيَّة. وعَبَقٌ من سيرةِ حياته العَطِرة، وقبساتٌ من ورودِه وبرودِه وبروقهِ ورعودِه. داهش يتحدّث عن نفسه ويكشفُ بعض أسراره وكتّابٌ يتحدثون عنه ويُسهِمون في كشف هذه الأسرار. نُخبةٌ مِن كتَّاب لبنان والعالم العربي دخلوا محراب أدب الدكتور داهش وهيكله المقدس، وأدلَوا بدِلاء المحبة والوفاء للكلمة والتاريخ. منهم مَن عرفه ورافقه في رحلة النور والمعرفة والحقِّ واليقين. ومنهم مَن تعرّف إليه من خلال أدبه وروائعه وما ذكِرَ وأُثِر عنه. وقد تتشابك أفكار الكتَّاب حيناً او تفترق، ولكنَّها تلتقي جميعها على فرادةِ هذا الرجُل وفذوذيّتِه وإتيانه بالجديد والمفيد الذي لو أُحسِن الاستماعُ إليه لاوصل سفائن الناس وقلوبهم إلى شواطئ الأمان . كتابٌ ثرٌّ زاخر بالنور والمعرفة. بين دفّتيه كثير عن حياة الدكتور داهش وكنوزه ورموزه. وكثير إلى المتشوقين للتعرّف إلى رجل الروح والأسرار. والوقوف على آرائه ومعتقداته ومعجزاته.

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The Song of Songs
Dr. Dahesh
The Song of Songs which Solomon the Wise, had chanted 3000 years ago exerted a long lasting influence on world literature. A great number of writers rendered it in their own style. Dr. Dahesh too had extracted from its gold mine the rough precious stone, hewing it down into shape with his pen and embossing it with gem-like descriptions drawn from his own creative imagination in the form of a musical drama.

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Histoires Extraordinaires et Légendes Merveilleuses Volume 1
Dr. Dahesh
This assortment of short stories confronts the reader with exciting plots, perplexing climaxes, and sudden unexpected denouements. The stories make the reader hold his breath at different junctures in the narrative and stirs in him feelings of wonder, surprise, and awe.
What is rather remarkable are the author’s views conveyed in these short stories: all creatures (human and nonhuman) are free and responsible, subject to the eternal laws of divine justice, man is not the only sentient being, for among animals and plants, there are some that enjoy a greater power of rational perception than man. Also the generic hierarchical stratification on Earth is not a proof of spiritual superiority and sublimity. Moreover, there are other inhabited planets whose civilizations exceed by far those of Earth.

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