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  2. Iskandar Shahin (1)



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Dahesh Voice Vol. 1 No. 1 Issue # 1 - June 1995
Editorial: Dahesh Voice
The Editor Page # 1

Science: The Physical Nature of Light
Louay Eldada, Ph.D. Page # 3

Could Daheshism Be the Solution
Mounir Murad Page # 10

The Daheshist Journey
Mario Henry Chakkour Page # 16

Selections: The Hospitaliy of Jonas and Peter
Dr. Dahesh Page # 26 Learn More

The Miracles and Wonders of Dr. Dahesh
Lutfi Radwan
The author, a former chief-editor of the Egyptian magazine "al-Musawwar", did not only witness the astounding miracles of Dr. Dahesh, but he went further into researching the nature of the power performing these miracles and into its revealed teachings. The author interviewed friends, followers, and acquaintances of Dr. Dahesh, listening to their testimonies. Then he reviewed Dr. Dahesh';s writings, as well as what was written about him. The result was this book. Yussuf Wahbi, leading star and master of the Arabic Theater wrote the Introduction.

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Man of Mystery
Iskandar Shahin
“All the journalists who are my colleagues who did not believe in Daheshism at least unanimously agreed that the man is a phenomenon in every sense of the word. Iskandar Shahin
“Dr Dahesh opened for us all the doors of his house… every door opened unto a suite which differed completely from every other suite. It differed in its precious antiques, its oil paintings, and its piles of books or its stuffed birds”. The Newspaper Al-Liwa
“Whatever the case of Dr Dahesh is, everyone who meets him cannot but reach one conclusion that the man is a strange phenomenon in our society”. The newspaper “Al-Gareeda”
“Daheshism is above all a spiritual notion… the transmigration of souls is a Divine mercy; if it didn’t exist, all human beings would have perished …” “Al- Isbuu’ Al- Arabi” Magazine.

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