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A Writer of Prose & A Writer of Poetry Vol. 3
Dr. Dahesh
In this book, Dr. Dahesh rephrases most of what he has written between 1930 and 1950 into octave-rhymed stanzas; then the poet Halim Dammous "being aware," as he says, "of the impact of these inspired words and of the origin of these heart-deep feelings," transposes them from rhymed prose into rhymed verse. In the verse version, the reader finds an almost total faithfulness to the original rhymed prose and at the same time an easy flow of rhythm.

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Departing Sails
George Shakkur
The author of this book is not a writer, not a poet; it is enough to say about him that he is a human being, that is, a man who tried to chant everlasting sweet sorrows, a man who loved life but only through his great love of Dahesh." This quotation cited from the author's Preface to his book draws for us a clear picture of the whole book. This volume is in the form of prose poems or cantos in which the author addresses his well-beloved Guide, Dr. Dahesh. These cantos are suffused with the fragrance of dreams and shades as well as marked with deep intensity of the feelings of love and longing. The reader would be captivated by the profusion of imagery and its hauntingly rhythmical beauty.
The book has been rendered from French into Arabic by the Poet. Mussa Al-Maalouf.

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A Writer of Prose and A Writer of Poetry Vol. 2
Dr. Dahesh/Halim Dammous
In this book, Dr. Dahesh rephrases most of what he has written between 1930 and 1950 into octave-rhymed stanzas; then the poet Halim Dammous “being aware,” as he says, “of the impact of these inspired words and of the origin of these heart-deep feelings,” transposes them from rhymed prose into rhymed verse.
In the verse version, the reader finds an almost total faithfulness to the original rhymed prose and at the same time an easy flow of rhythm.

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A Writer of Prose and A Writer of Poetry V.1
Dr. Dahesh/Halim Dammous
In this book, Dr. Dahesh rephrases most of what he has written between 1930 and 1950 into octave-rhymed stanzas; then the poet Halim Dammous “being aware,” as he says, “of the impact of these inspired words and of the origin of these heart-deep feelings,” transposes them from rhymed prose into rhymed verse.
In the verse version, the reader finds an almost total faithfulness to the original rhymed prose and at the same time an easy flow of rhythm.

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Dahesh Voice Vol. 1 No. 1 Issue # 1 - June 1995
Editorial: Dahesh Voice
The Editor Page # 1

Science: The Physical Nature of Light
Louay Eldada, Ph.D. Page # 3

Could Daheshism Be the Solution
Mounir Murad Page # 10

The Daheshist Journey
Mario Henry Chakkour Page # 16

Selections: The Hospitaliy of Jonas and Peter
Dr. Dahesh Page # 26 Learn More

Exploring with Ghazi Brax in The Gardens of the Gods and Paradises of the Goddesses: 20 volumes by Dr. Dahesh
Ghazi Brax
It is a critical study of the two series by Dr. Dahesh: Gardens of the Gods Adorned with Roses of Paradise and Paradises of the Goddesses Set with Sacred Lotus. The author presents his critical analysis of the prose poems of this series which extend over a period of half a century. He sheds light in this process on the personality of Dr. Dahesh, revealing his sadness, ambitions, revolt, spiritual alienation, prophetic visions, and his opinions of men and life in general. The author, at the same time, presents the innovative techniques in Dr. Dahesh's artistic style and the different aspects of his creative imagination.
This study has been supplemented

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Dr. Dahesh: A Great Writer and His Literary Worlds
Najwa Salam Brax
A collection of critical studies and essays about the literature of Dr. Dahesh in general and some of his works in particular.

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Dr. Dahesh, a Prodigious Writer: A Comparative Study of Two Great Works, Dahesh's Inferno and Dante's Inferno
Ghazi Brax
What are the motives behind Dante’s Divine Comedy or Dr. Dahesh’s Inferno? What are Dante’s and Dr. Dahesh’s concepts of Hell? How did they portray the environment of Hell, the devilish methods of torture, the role of the devils, and the conditions of the damned?
You find an answer to these questions and others in the comparative study of two great authors and their books.

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Zephyrus Wings
Najwa Salam Brax
This book comes under the literary genre “Aphorism”. It comprises about 1400 proverbs and epigrams, encompassing the different aspects of life: good and evil, man and nature, the individual and the society, spiritual and material life, men and women, happiness and misery… The writer tackles these issues eloquently and poetically.

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The Secrets of the Gods V.2
Dr. Dahesh
Dr. Dahesh earliest work. It is a collection of prose poems written between 1927 and 1933 whose central theme deals with spiritual love.

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