النشرة البريدية

النشرة البريدية

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مذكِّراتُ دينار
الدكتور داهش
US$ 60,00
An unusual novel which Dr. Dahesh had composed in less than 24 hours spread over 12 days (from the third to the fourteenth of January 1946).
The hero, a Dinar(a golden coin), by virtue of its transference from one hand to another roams several countries for almost a century. It wanders into cities, villages, palaces, cottages, monasteries, nighclubs; it travels in the air and dives to the bottom of the seas; it accompanies good and bad people, kings and commons; it listens to animals and witnesses two national liberation movements in India and England as well as two World Wars and later a third World War! Above all, it records its observations with the genius of a spellbinding storyteller and renders its judgments with the wisdom of a philosopher.
The book is a summary statement of the views of the author regarding society and its corruption, clergymen, politics, human rights, courts of justice, money, love, psychology of wars, art and literature. Underlying his harsh critical attitude is the author’s deep desire for reform.

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A Reincarnation Story (Qissat Taqammus)
زينا حدّاد
US$ 34,00
A Reincarnation Story

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Histoires Extraordinaires et Légendes Merveilleuses Volume 1
الدكتور داهش
US$ 49,00
This assortment of short stories confronts the reader with exciting plots, perplexing climaxes, and sudden unexpected denouements. The stories make the reader hold his breath at different junctures in the narrative and stirs in him feelings of wonder, surprise, and awe.
What is rather remarkable are the author’s views conveyed in these short stories: all creatures (human and nonhuman) are free and responsible, subject to the eternal laws of divine justice, man is not the only sentient being, for among animals and plants, there are some that enjoy a greater power of rational perception than man. Also the generic hierarchical stratification on Earth is not a proof of spiritual superiority and sublimity. Moreover, there are other inhabited planets whose civilizations exceed by far those of Earth.

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الإضافة إلى قائمة الأمنيات | الإضافة إلى المقارنة

فجر الاسلام - احمد امين
US$ 25,00
فجر الاسلام - احمد امين

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الإضافة إلى قائمة الأمنيات | الإضافة إلى المقارنة

رسائل واحاديث من المنفى - فيكتور هيغو
US$ 10,95
رسائل واحاديث من المنفى - فيكتور هيغو

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النفس البشرية ونظرية التناسخ - احمد ذكي تفاحة
US$ 13,95
النفس البشرية ونظرية التناسخ - احمد ذكي تفاحة

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موسوعة تاريخ الاديان - فراس السواح
US$ 29,95
موسوعة تاريخ الاديان - فراس السواح

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سيرة المسيح - اديب مصلح
US$ 20,00
سيرة المسيح - اديب مصلح

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كتاب آن كولين - د جوزف صايغ
US$ 19,95
كتاب آن كولين - د جوزف صايغ

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الإضافة إلى قائمة الأمنيات | الإضافة إلى المقارنة

سعوديون في امريكا - تركي الدخيل
US$ 6,00
سعوديون في امريكا - تركي الدخيل

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